Music therapy for brain injuries
Rehabilitation and music therapy for someone with a neurological injury can be life-changing.
Traditional rehab methods are vital in providing those with brain traumas with a more independent life. Including physiotherapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy.
However, alternative therapies, such as music therapy also produce positive results.
Helping to reduce the need for round-the-clock care. Improving the quality of life for the injured person and their carers.
The Association of Personal Injury Lawyers (APIL) would like to see music therapy as part of a standard rehabilitation package.
Research has shown that music stimulates several areas of the brain simultaneously. This enables new neural networks to develop in the brain.
For those with a brain injury, it can help to improve speech, movement, and cognitive skills.
Daniel Thomas is the managing director of Chroma, an art therapy provider.
He said: “Neurological Music Therapy (NMT) can help to optimise outcomes for people with brain injuries.
“NMT is based on the application of music to cognitive, sensory and motor dysfunctions that come from neurological conditions. As an intervention, it has defined outcomes, is evidence-based, cost-effective and can be used alongside traditional therapies.
“NMT offers the best case rehabilitation for people who have received traumatic head injuries.”
Queen’s “We Will Rock You” is the number one song used in music therapy in the UK, according to a survey by Chroma.
Its rhythm and strong melody make it ideal for the rehabilitation of speech, language and cognitive functions following a stroke or acquired brain injury.
Thomas said: “A lot of people probably imagine that music therapy is all about soft and gentle sounds but, when choosing music with our clients, we sometimes rely heavily on strong, loud songs with a simple melody and a no-nonsense beat.
“In a lot of ways, ‘We Will Rock You’ is a music therapy natural. You can see and hear it in the way that it is chanted so enthusiastically in football grounds. Belt it out, stamp your feet, and you’ll immediately feel more uplifted, united and orientated.”
The top five artists used in music therapy were also included in the Chroma survey with Bob Marley taking the top slot, followed by Queen, Adele, Pink Floyd and Eminem.
You need to begin rehabilitation as soon as possible after an accident.
Your personal injury solicitor will help to initiate a rehab programme for you.
Solicitors have a duty to consider any cases suitable for rehabilitation from the earliest practicable stage.
Liaising with you and your family alongside medical professionals. Your compensators have 21 days to respond to requests for rehabilitation. They must justify a refusal to follow any of the rehabilitation recommendations.
Chartered Society of Physiotherapy
NV Legal has a specialist team of solicitors. Experienced in achieving successful outcomes for clients with neurological injuries.
If you or someone you know has questions about these issues, contact us for legal advice.
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