Rising popularity of aesthetic treatments raises concerns over lack of regulation and compulsory insurance

In recent years, the popularity of aesthetic treatments has surged; however, the absence of stringent regulations means some practitioners do not have insurance cover.

When considering treatments like Botox injections or chemical peels, it’s vital to ensure your aesthetic provider is sufficiently insured. This safeguards you in case of any adverse outcomes arising from the treatment.

Look for practitioners who have both public liability insurance and treatment risk insurance, providing you with peace of mind against any potential treatment-related risks or injuries.

The Association of Personal Injury Lawyers (APIL) executive committee member Guy Forster, said: “At present victims of poor treatment, which can cause serious and sometimes permanent injuries, cannot always secure the redress they need to get their lives back on track because the person or business that carried out the procedure is not insured correctly,”

A Conservative Member of Parliament has proposed a Bill that would force companies and individuals to have insurance to cover liability for injuries to clients. The Bill is scheduled for debate on Friday, March 15th.

It follows a consultation for a non-surgical cosmetic treatments licensing scheme.

The consultation looked at who should be allowed to perform these treatments and how old you should be to have them. There could eventually be two types of licenses for this: one for the practitioners who complete the treatments and one for the premises where they are performed.

What if Aesthetic Treatments Go Wrong?

Aesthetic treatments have become increasingly popular in the UK, with millions of treatments performed every year. While many procedures are successful, there is always a risk of something going wrong. Whether it’s a botched surgery, an adverse reaction to fillers, or unsatisfactory results, experiencing a cosmetic procedure gone awry can be distressing and, in some cases, even lead to serious health complications. If you find yourself in this situation, it’s crucial to know what steps to take to protect your health and legal rights.

Medical Attention

If you experience any adverse effects or complications following a cosmetic procedure, your first priority should be your health and safety. Seek medical attention immediately, either by contacting your GP or if it is more serious going to A&E. Even if the issue seems minor at first, it’s essential to have a medical professional assess your condition to prevent it from worsening.

Document Your Experience

After seeking medical attention, document your experience thoroughly. Take photographs of any visible injuries or complications, including swelling, bruising, or infections. Keep detailed records of your symptoms, medical treatments received, the receipt/invoice for the treatment together with the details of the person who carried out the treatment. Also keep a note of any expenses incurred as a result of the complications. This documentation will be valuable evidence if you decide to pursue legal action against the clinic or practitioner responsible for the botched procedure.

Contact a Personal Injury Solicitor

If you believe that your aesthetic treatment went wrong due to negligence, it’s essential to seek legal advice from a qualified personal injury solicitor specialising in cosmetic surgery claims. A knowledgeable solicitor can assess the circumstances surrounding your case, explain your legal rights, and help you understand your options for seeking compensation for your injuries, medical expenses, and emotional distress.

To contact a personal injury solicitor click HERE

Report the Incident

In the UK, various professional bodies regulate cosmetic procedures, including the General Medical Council (GMC), the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC), and the General Dental Council (GDC). If you believe that your practitioner performed your cosmetic procedure negligently or incompetently, you have the right to report the incident to the relevant regulatory authority. By doing so, you can help prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future and hold the responsible practitioner or clinic accountable for their actions.

Experiencing a cosmetic procedure gone wrong can be a traumatic experience, but it’s essential to know that you have options for seeking justice and compensation. By following the steps outlined you can protect your health, assert your legal rights, and hold negligent practitioners accountable for their actions. If you’ve been the victim of a botched cosmetic procedure, don’t hesitate to contact us for free legal advice.

Contact us HERE

Case Study

Unfortunately, incidents leading to claims within the beauty industry are not uncommon. We have personally witnessed the profound toll they can take on the physical and mental well-being of our clients.

We’ve encountered injuries ranging from burns, scalds, and hair damage to adverse reactions from products and psychological trauma. For instance, one of our clients suffered chemical burns to her face and eyes as a result of a mishap during an eyelash beauty treatment. Alongside the physical injuries, she also experienced significant psychological distress.

Psychological distress can include nightmares, flashbacks, anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress and avoidance behaviours.

In some cases, these effects can be severely debilitating, hindering the individual from engaging in activities they once enjoyed before the incident. After obtaining medical reports from a GP and a psychiatric assessment, the salon, in our case, eventually acknowledged their responsibility for their negligence.

Ultimately, we settled the case for over £9,000 within a year of initiating legal proceedings.


If you would like further information on any of the issues covered contact us for a FREE no-obligation consultation. A solicitor, with extensive experience in cosmetic injury cases will answer your query.

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Website – nvlegal.co.uk  

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