Ask most people if they are good drivers and the answer will be yes. Yet, thousands of injuries happen every year on UK roads, and many are avoidable.
Taking time to think about others and using common sense is the topic of this week’s Injury Pr...Read More
E-scooters have caused more fatalities or serious injuries over the past year and several groups are now calling for a ban.
Trials of several e-scooter rental schemes began last July and London is the latest city to start a 12-month trial.
Unde...Read More
How would you choose a solicitor if you needed one? Word of mouth, Google, local news? Most solicitors rely on recommendations, so it was refreshing to see that 90% of consumers, in a recent survey, are happy with the outcome after using legal servic...Read More
Trampoline parks first arrived in the UK in 2014 and although they are a fantastic way for children and adults to exercise in a fun way, there are risks and accidents happen.
In 2017 there were 1,181 incidents at trampoline parks requiring an ambu...Read More
On 31st May 2021, the government launched a new system for claiming compensation for soft tissue injuries ‘whiplash’ caused as a result of a road traffic accident occurring on or after this date.
If a soft tissue injury claim is worth less tha...Read More
Every year the brain injury charity, Headway runs a campaign to raise awareness of brain injuries and the impact they can have on survivors and their loved ones.
The campaign running this week has the theme ‘A life of lockdown’ as many brain i...Read More
Losing a loved one in a tragic accident would be absolutely devastating and unimaginable for most of us.
When a death is the result of an accident, which could have been avoided, the unnecessary pain and suffering is unbearable.
There is govern...Read More
Would you know if you had been exposed to harmful chemicals while at work?
Factories, construction, food preparation or cleaning are some of the more common employers using chemicals but hairdressers, florists, caterers, motor manufactures and agr...Read More
The theme of this week’s World Health Day is ‘creating a fairer, healthier world for everyone.’ Health equality is an issue around the globe with millions of people missing out on adequate healthcare.
The World Health Organisation (WHO) says...Read More
Victims of violent crimes are often left with physical or mental scars which can be life changing. While the trauma of the crime can affect both the injured person and their loved ones.
The recent case of Sarah Everard put a spotlight on criminal ...Read More